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5 Ways Security Guards Can Manage Incident Reporting with a Mobile App

Written by Tony Unfried | Apr 14, 2022 8:06:00 PM

Security incidents can happen in the blink of an eye. In turn, security guard management processes, like incident reporting, need to move just as quickly. Your security team must have the resources they need to resolve issues, be proactive, and prevent future breaches. A great way to do this is by utilizing modern and innovative digital tools, like security guard management software. These slick systems provide a range of convenient features that make incident reporting and other security guard tasks effortless.  

And what could be more convenient than a mobile app? 

5 Ways Guards Can Manage Incident Reporting with a Custom Mobile App

Utilizing a mobile application that ties into  your security guard management software allows your guards to quickly input incident reports directly into the platform from their devices. This keeps your security team’s reporting process consistent across devices, lowers the risk of reporting mistakes and process errors, and saves you time and money. 

Incorporating a mobile app with a security operations software system can provide incredible value for your team. And here’s how. 

1. Real-time access to incident reporting 

The convenience of a mobile app means security guards have real-time access to incident reporting details exactly when incidents happen, no matter where they are. They don’t have to wait for someone else to come and give the details to them. This not only expedites reporting and response times, but also promotes communication transparency for security guards and customers. All the information is readily available in the mobile app, lowering the potential for misinformation. 

2. Photo, video, and documentation upload capabilities 

Organization is the essence of a security guard management system. And using a mobile app is one more way to ensure your incident reporting process is organized. Your custom system’s mobile app can be installed onto each security guard’s device, making it easy to gather evidence, like photos and videos. 

Paper incident reports require physical photos that could be easily misplaced. But with an app, uploads are instantaneously added to the live security dashboard and categorized automatically. This eliminates the need for tangible documentation and pesky paper clips.

3. Direct communication across your security team

Security teams know that incident details can change fast. With access to a mobile app, guards can input incident developments and live comments instantaneously. Team members can communicate with one another in real time without delays or lags. Templated formatting extras, like denoted required fields and built-in spell check, further expedites communication within the app and lowers the risk of errors and miscommunication. Live comments also act as a digital communication trail that can help with future training and process refinement. 

4. Restrict content changes for more accountability 

In the same vein as allowing for directed communication, a mobile app can also restrict content changes and comments if you need an extra layer of accountability. This means security managers can add rules that only allow incident report access to approved security team members. Restricting content changes means a lower chance of the information being lost or misreported, and provides a clear trail of communication. This also prevents anyone from altering crucial information within the summary report without prior authorization. 

5. Custom summary reporting 

A security management mobile app allows you to pick and choose what you need in your customized summary report, including communication and administrative tools. By customizing your summary report template, your incident reporting processes will move twice as fast. In addition, all state licensing and required ID information can be added to the incident reports seamlessly, saving considerable administrative time.  

An innovative mobile app is just one way a security guard management system can benefit your team.

Refining incident reporting is a crucial step to improving your security team’s processes. Digital tools like a mobile app are a simple and effective way to give your guards the extra advantage they need in a constantly evolving industry.

CSA360 Software’s unique guard management system allows you to customize your software package while staying under budget. Request a demo of our security guard management software to see the mobile app in action today.