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Retain Security Guards with Security Workforce Management Software

Written by Tony Unfried | May 10, 2022 8:33:39 PM

Security teams face many challenges every day. But one of the most pressing isn’t found in a venue or event. Security guard retention is a major factor affecting security companies around the world. In fact, the turnover rate for security guards is estimated at a mind-boggling 100-300%. Burnout rates are almost just as high. 

Security guard retention is a serious issue, as a decrease in retention can lead to some of your biggest security workforce management challenges including:

    • Guard scheduling problems. Staffing and scheduling issues are a persistent problem in the security industry. Security guard shortages are a major factor in security incidents. Short-staffed teams are over-scheduled and stretched to their limits—negatively impacting both team morale and customer relationships. 

    • Overtime Costs. Excessive overtime is another huge burden for security teams. If left unchecked, overtime can lead to staffing shortages and decreased morale and productivity.

    • High burnout rates. 84% of security professionals are experiencing burnout. This is an important factor and proof point for why switching from antiquated methods to software is important for security guard retention. Because of exhaustion and general malaise, burned out employees are a third less likely to follow security guidelines.

    • Poor communication from the start. Poor communication is the common thread that runs through each of these issues. Many security guards are hired without proper onboarding and training, which leads to communication breakdowns down the line. Many security teams also lack an HR lead or point person that can delegate tasks, provide assignments, and answer questions. This is a huge contributor to security guard retention issues. 

But there is a way to retain your workforce without breaking the bank. Say goodbye to security guard retention woes with affordable, customizable security workforce management software. 

5 ways security workforce management software can increase security guard retention 

Security workforce management software can address your scheduling, retention, and guard management needs while saving you time and money. It also provides greater visibility into your staffing needs, allowing you to anticipate any staffing gaps before they arise.

1. Workforce Management Software is a keen talent recruiter

Attracting, and retaining, security talent requires an investment in your team’s development through innovative technology. Security guards no longer need to rely on antiquated, old-fashioned methods of completing their day-to-day tasks. Now, they are looking for security companies that offer streamlined ways to work. And workforce management software is just the ticket. 

Everything from scheduling, to check-in procedures, to task management is available at the click of a mouse. These features give your security team an advantage in an increasingly competitive industry, and helps with retaining your current workforce. 

2. It offers more flexibility. 

Workplace flexibility is a major way to reduce burnout and improve retention. This doesn’t only apply to remote work and flexible hours. Offering your security guards convenient ways to accomplish daily tasks is also beneficial. 

Security workforce management software allows guards to clock in and out on their mobile devices. This touch of convenience allows guards to…

  • Be accountable no matter where they are
  • Lower the risk of missing their posts or location
  • Manage high-risk locations

In addition to providing benefits for your security team, the right security workforce management software will also negate the need for additional staff to manage your guards. This allows you to keep your security team smaller and focus on retaining the guards that you already have.  

3. Digitized, immediate guard schedule change notifications.  

There are few things more frustrating than last-minute guard schedule changes. Without workforce management software, security managers often face unorganized chaos in the schedule. This frustration is one of the causes of poor retention and high turnover. But digital tools can streamline these issues. Security guards can input their availability and PTO requests quickly, allowing managers a comprehensive view of the upcoming guard schedule

4. Effective, transparent communication among your guards

When security teams are well-supported, they are more engaged in their work. When they are more engaged, they are less likely to face burnout. This is a vital way to increase retention and keep morale high. This support also needs to be evident in your internal processes, because process transparency is a key way to build trust with your team. Security workforce management software offers a number of ways to improve communication. 

TxtCommander funnels communication between internal and external contacts, while Communication Logs allow guards to text one another while on duty. Digital “paper trails'' and enhanced reporting tools store, manage, and organize all communication information in one easily accessible dashboard. 

5. Improved training and onboarding processes 

Security workforce management software is a powerful way to not only improve processes, in the field, but also internally. Workforce management modules like HR Commander help new guards input their information quickly into scheduling dashboards, while E-learning allows for continuous professional development and improvement. Improving onboarding processes has a major impact on security guard retention. When guards feel supported from the start, they are less likely to seek that support in another company. 

The Bottom Line

We understand the burden that poor guard retention rates can have on security teams. But digital tools can improve retention, boost morale, and mitigate staffing issues easily and effectively. Our comprehensive, customizable security software aims to eliminate those challenges and streamline your processes. Learn more about the power of workforce management software by requesting a demo today.